Announcing the 24/7 Campaign!

In December 2015, the State of New Mexico revised the 6.12.4 NMAC Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Free School Districts rule to require all public schools to prohibit the use, possession, and distribution of all tobacco products on school premises.

This is a huge step forward in creating truly tobacco-free schools in New Mexico. But what does this mean for your school or school district? 

The revised rule provides a valuable opportunity to not just update your school district’s tobacco-free policy to be in compliance with 6.12.4 NMAC, but to strengthen it to be comprehensive. That’s where the 24/7 campaign comes in.

The 24/7 campaign is a multi-year initiative to help all schools in New Mexico understand, adopt, implement, and enforce comprehensive tobacco-free policies.

We offer free support to schools and school districts. Here are some ways we can help – all free of charge:

  • Analysis of your school district’s tobacco policy and recommendations for meeting the comprehensive standard
  • Bilingual tobacco-free school signage to promote your policy
  • Toolkit with step-by-step advice on implementing, communicating, and enforcing your tobacco-free school policy
  • Help advocating for and adopting a comprehensive tobacco-free school policy
  • School-based events to raise awareness of your school’s tobacco policy
  • Conduct an assessment of policy implementation, along with an analysis of what’s working, where there’s room for improvement, and custom recommendations for your school
  • In-person presentations or training for school staff

Lastly, achieving a truly tobacco-free school environment is no small feat! To show our support and appreciation, we will be showcasing success stories on this blog, on social media, and through earned media.

Schools are places where kids learn inside and outside the classroom, so it is important to send the right message about tobacco. We look forward to partnering with schools and school districts across the state to help create truly tobacco-free environments!

Ready to get started? Contact us for an analysis of your school district’s policy or request free signs for your school site today.

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